Buy Massage Chair Online In UAE
Let's Make Massage-Chair Selection Easy For You.
If you have been researching massage-chair options in the market, chances are you are getting confused.
All brands have almost exactly the same features.All look also not very different from each other.
Even the prices can't be too different.
A massage chair... is a massage chair... is a massage chair... after all.
So how do you make that choice?
Don't worry.
We'll make it absolutely simple for you.
Here are 3 facts that should make it crystal clear for you.
These 3 facts will tell you why you should go for the brand Sparnod, over every other there is in the market.
Sparnod is the only brand that offers 3 years warranty!
Yes, 3 years.
When everybody else offers 1 year, Sparnod is the only brand that offers 3 years warranty.
3X confidence in quality.
As simple as that - we are so confident of our quality that we offer thrice the warranty than everybody else.
Makes sense?
And here's the other reason:
Sparnod is 5-10% cheaper!!
No, we aren't.
In fact, we are cheaper.
5-10% cheaper compared to massage chairs with the same features from other brands
Because we sell directly to our customers.
To you.
So there are no distributor/dealer commissions to be paid.
And that saving comes to you.
So, 3X warranty and 5-10% cheaper!
But, wait!
There's more...
Sparnod is the only brand that offers FREE HOME TRIAL!!!
Yes, home-trial.
We will send you a brand-new Sparnod massage-chair, after discussing with you, your budget and all the things you may be looking for in a massage-chair.
Home-delivered and installed for FREE.
Ready to use by you and your family.
Home-delivered and installed for FREE.
And only after you are satisfied and want to keep it, do you pay us! If not, we just take it back with a smile!!
Would you not call this super-confidence in our brand?
So why wait to contact us?